PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education)
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At Hounsdown School, we pride ourselves on ensuring all students have a diverse and well-balanced curriculum that helps to develop students social, emotional and mental health that will in turn help them to make more informed decisions, live healthy lifestyles and enter into safe relationships.
PSHCE at Hounsdown has been designed as a spiral-based curriculum that ensures knowledge and content are delivered in age and stage appropriate manner, and allows for knowledge to be revisited and built upon throughout the key stages. |
The schemes of work (SOW) have been created using statutory government guidance but also to reflect issues that are affecting our school community locally, nationally and globally. As members of the PSHE Association, many of our lessons are created and designed using their guidance, and termly attendance at the HIAS PSHE Network meetings allows our staff to remain up-to-date with current changes in legislation and best practice within the subject area.
All students receive timetabled lessons:
- 2x a fortnight for Year 7
- 1x a fortnight for Years 8 to 10
- 1x a fortnight for Year 11
What we cover
Topics and themes that are covered in the curriculum are complemented with specific and targeted tutor-time activities and assemblies throughout the year, as well as recognising specific days/weeks/months that the United Nations highlight to mark particular events or topics in order to promote, through awareness and action including Anti-Bullying Week, International Women's Day and Black History Month.
Use the headings below to see what topics are covered in each year...
Year 7AUTUMN TERM (Resource booklets): Mental health and wellbeing
Rights and responsibilities
SPRING TERM: Relationship and self
The Real Game
SUMMER TERM: Your Choice
Identity and culture (Currently being rewritten) Year 8AUTUMN TERM (Resource booklets): Mental and physical health
SPRING TERM: Relationship and Sex Education
SUMMER TERM: Tolerance and respect (Currently being rewritten) Year 9AUTUMN TERM: Making informed choices
SPRING TERM: Relationships
SUMMER TERM: Financial wellbeing
Year 10AUTUMN TERM: Politics and economics
SPRING TERM: Personal wellbeing and relationships
SUMMER TERM Human Rights
Year 11AUTUMN TERM: Mental health and wellbeing
SPRING TERM: Pregnancy and parenting
SUMMER TERM Economy and finance
PSHCE Student Voice
Throughout the academic year, there are opportunities for students to become involved in our 'Student Voice'. This gives them the space to review our curriculum and have their say on topics they believe should be prioritised and areas that could improved.
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
RSE is taught as part of the PSHCE curriculum programme. It is taught to mixed sex and ability groups and incorporates the Department for Education (DfE ) statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education.
Information regarding assemblies or tutor-time activities that focus on RSE, will be communicated home via ParentMail to ensure that parents / carers are able to find out further information prior to delivery.
If you wish to discuss any aspects of the curriculum or specific content, please email the school at, marking your email for the attention of the 'Subject Leader of PSHCE'.
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